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작성자 먹튀검증(ip:)

작성일 2023-11-16 16:23:19

조회 6

평점 0점  

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The Brooklyn Nets will not get on an airplane again until Dec. 9. They have 먹튀검증 just begun a seven-game homestand, their longest in 11 years, and it appears they have put all of their drama in the rear-view mirror. Tonight they play one of the dregs of the NBA, and it is worth noting that their odds of winning the championship are all over the place … depending upon the place.

Here are the Nets’ championship odds as of Monday morning from the nine sportsbooks licensed in New York:

For a 10-11 team that has not won more than two consecutive games all season, those odds still convey a degree of respect. The Boston Celtics and Milwaukee Bucks are still considered the class of the conference and have the shortest odds of any two teams in the NBA at all nine books. But the Miami Heat also have a 10-11 record and are priced anywhere from +2000 to +3500 in the championship futures market.

Kevin Durant is averaging 29.3 points per game, the highest in the first 21 games of a season for KD in his career, besting his 29.0 ppg in the first 20 games of his MVP season in 2013-14 with Oklahoma City.

Why The Nets Low Regard in New York?

The dysfunction that defined the Nets in the month of December made them look like a dumpster fire. But anyone with a pulse could have seen that coming. Durant and Kyrie Irving were clearly unhappy with Steve Nash’s coaching, and he was a lock to be the first NBA head coach fired.

Owner Joe Tsai toyed with the idea of hiring suspended Celtics head coach Ime Udoka, but ultimately decided that Jacque Vaughn was not only a safer choice, but perhaps a better choice. He was already privy to the Nets’ locker room politics, and importing Udoka would have had ramifications throughout the organization. That would range from the scouting department to the media relations department, which would have had to explain why the Nets were taking on a coach who was deemed disposable in Boston for his inappropriate relationship with a female team employee.

Right now, New York sports fans are so enamored of the Jets, who got three TD passes from new starting quarterback Mike White, and the New York Giants, who are tied with the San Francisco 49ers for the fourth-best record in the NFC, and there is only so much love to go around. Also, New York has always been a Knicks town, and the ‘Bockers are the team that fans would prefer to read about and watch until they suffer their inevitable annual collapse.

Remember, the Nets have an older fan base centered in Long Island from the days when they were an ABA team and played at Nassau Coliseum. They also have a New Jersey fan base from their days at the Meadowlands and in Newark. In Brooklyn, they offer an opportunity for fans who have been priced out of Madison Square Garden to attend an NBA game in person.

Tickets for tonight’s game against the Orlando Magic were available Monday morning for as low as $18 on the secondary market. By comparison, a seat for Bucks-Knicks at MSG on Wednesday night was going for $70 on the low end and more than $9000 on the high end. You need to win a bunch of bets or have an extraordinarily high salary to get inside the Garden and hobnob with out-of-work comedian Pete Davidson as he rebounds quite nicely from Kim Kardashian.



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